Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Diagram Of How To Temasterba


Looking back to the years of high school, I remember afternoons spent studying mathematics and I really remember are serene. Perhaps because those afternoons were very few, or because my memory is already rusty, but still has not had great results, math has never been a problem.
During the three years I had a very special teacher, many times I get angry with her for her attitude towards us, but even so he always had my respect as a person and as a teacher. It is sad to think of a person who tries to teach a subject like mathematics to people who are more than memorize formulas. The really hope that one day may have students that are worthy of one of his lessons before I lose all confidence in his craft.
remember that every year I'd say follow the lessons and try to keep me .. at the end of the day before the task we were all at Peter's house to study the whole program in one afternoon.
geometry is certainly the branch of mathematics that I have always preferred, many stones, a few formulas and many reasons, but mainly because he could get up a bit 'mean!
I want to say a word for the experience I have experienced this year with mathematics. I attended the preparatory courses for the introductory physics course. Here I met someone very special. Perhaps the program that followed was not very useful for the purposes of the course, but certainly appropriate for home elements as young students who become future doctors. One morning ten minutes at the end of a lesson inziĆ² a digression on what is meant by the concept of "limit". Elements as I do not have to speak now, to explain a concept like this would not be enough of a certain post. He had the nerve to seriously offend those students who aspire to become doctors just because his father (a doctor or dentist) would have certainly brought a safe and very profitable. He explained what it means to put a limit impossible and strive a lifetime to achieve it despite the certainty that we will never achieve .. it was great, for the first time I thought I heard the words of my master of judo in to a classroom. This professor did judo in my gym for many years, I do not know if she made this speech because I was listening to him but I think not. I think has made a good impression to other students, certainly for me it was an important moment and said what I needed to start to feel this way.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Intermittent Flash Of Heat In Leg


now with a cool head, I remember the sad day when our room was invaded by the cube so much fun .. I can only feel great respect for those few students (or not) who strive beyond the many hours of study to find time for someone who really needs. I knew of the existence of groups that are committed to the children who are forced to spend their days in the hospital but did not think they were made up of young students, like me. initially the impulse to join them was strong but it's been many months and I can not help but wonder about what might have been the brake, which has hindered me. certainly not the studio, certainly takes a long time, but a few hours to do something you want is always strong. maybe because I'm too much time with the children who come to do judo at the start and Kosen not stand. Or why not consider myself a very happy person. However I do not think now I will join this group genorosi students.
these days, actually for some time, but I am considering the possibility to sign up for some volunteer activities. medicine because we have no way of entering the hospital until the middle of the third year I think it is a valuable experience to find some means to enable us to start now to investigate the issues more "human" medicine even if it means carrying the stretcher to an ambulance .. I sincerely inform